Darryl Griffioen, January 11 2019

Does your listing 'Spark Joy'? 

With the recent release of the Netflix show "Tidying Up" we are seeing a lot of people go through their clutter or mess and asking themselves, does this item spark joy? If it doesn't, you thank it and it either is thrown out, recycled or donated. After watching one episode, I was already pulling apart my closet and my trunks and going through items that cluttered my life. It got me thinking about other aspects of my life though. Looking through the lens of "Does it give me joy?", "Does it make me feel better", "Is it going to improve my life moving forward" is a powerful shift in mindset. 

With the beginning of the new year, it is common for people to start making goals for the year ahead. Asking these questions when planning is important, but asking the questions again as you navigate through the year is even more critical. For example, one of my goals (and, like, everyone else's) is to lose weight and focus on my physical and mental health. So, is eating this $7.99 cookies and cream cake from Sobey's sparking joy in my life? Well,  hell yeah it is...temporarily. Does it actually spark joy and contribute to my goals? 100% it does not.  This can be relative to other things like your career, relationships, activities, and even your home. If you wake up every morning dreading going to a job you hate, it might be time to take a risk and start looking for something else that will make you feel happy and fulfilled. If the home you're living in is actually a heavy weight on your life, it might be time to move on to a space that speaks more to you and, well, sparks joy.

So how does this apply to real estate marketing? Well, when you have new listing and you are about to send it out for the world to see on the various advertising channels it is important to consider whether the content you are creating will spark joy for prospective buyers. Will a cell phone photo with poor lighting and composition spark joy and motivate a buyer to come see it in person? Probably not...On the other hand, if your content tells a story using professional photos or a video to invoke emotion, prospective buyers are likely going to want to come see more.  It makes them feel good about themselves, about their future, about the potential, or about the lifestyle they can envision for themselves by purchasing this home, property, business, etc. 

Here are a few ways you can spark joy for your listing:

+ Work with the homeowners to declutter their space. They are moving anyway so it is time to start packing away some of the cluttered items and considering removing personal items that may speak to them, but not to prospective buyers. (Have you heard of Mommy Mops?) 

+ Hire a stager to go into the home and use their amazing eye for details and design to add elements to the space that will resonate with buyers. This doesn't need to be a full on staging activity. Consider your budget on the property and act accordingly. They can come work with items the home owner has or simply add other accessories to make the space stand out. (If you need some contacts, let us know!)

+ Discuss completing any minor repairs that are needed. Touch up some paint, fix that loose cupboard and even replacing an old carpet can go a very long way. There are a lot of small and inexpensive updates that can pay off in spades when selling a home. 

+ Now that you've got your listing presentation ready, how are you going to share this with the world? We offer many options that you can find on our website. Again, consider your budget and what kind of services resonate with your brand. A listing video, or lifestyle video, can really create that connection to your listing and is probably the most effective way to spark joy in a prospective buyer. Quality photography and a 3D tour are also great tools to tell the story of your listing. We are also introducing a new product soon that will be an amazing tool for storytelling (message us for details!). 

How are you going to 'spark joy' for your listings in 2019? 

Reach out to us to discuss ways that we can help!

[email protected] | 1-800-565-9309 |

Book your next listing today!

Written by

Darryl Griffioen


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