Darryl Griffioen, November 6 2018

4 [simple] ways to use your 3D tour

There are almost an unlimited ways you can use your tour...but here are 4 popular ways to get eyes on your new 3D tour!

So you've just received an email from us with all of the links to the 3D tour for your new are you going to use these links? 

1. Platform

This is probably an obvious suggestion, but it is worth noting. has recently updated their platform in such a way it puts the 3D tour front and center when people are viewing on a web browser. 

As you can see above, it is hard to miss this the 3D tour! On Realtor you seem to only be able to put one type of media, so if you also got a listing video from us, the 3D tour is the best to put here as you can access the full video in a mattertag! (more info on these in a later post!) 

2. Embed on your website

If you have a website where you showcase your listings, embedding a tour on your listing page is a great way to drive traffic to the tour.  When we send you an email with all of your links, we'll send you the embed code (it will look something like this...<iframe-width-479-height-989........). If you are a techy, it is easy to update yourself, otherwise you may have to get your website guy to handle this for you. If you're using a platform like PageCloud (like we do!) you'll be able to just drag and drop it onto your page and it will *magically* appear!

***above is just a picture and not what an embedded tour would be

3. Share on Social Media

Engage your audience on social media by posting the tour there! Just copy the link into your post and it will show up for them to explore. One of our extras that we include with the tours are 360 degree photos. These are great for Facebook and allow viewers to quickly look around. You can include the link to the full tour. Similarly, we also provide auto-generated teaser videos. Give them a taste of the home and offer them the full tour to full immersive themselves in the home. Teaser videos are great for Instagram too!

TIP: Sponsoring posts increases your reach and engages more potential buyers!

^^^^^^^ A pretty great way to get the attention of your audience and drive them to the full tour.

4. Email

Do you have buyers who are looking for a house just like this? Send them an email with a link to the tour for them to check out! They'll be able to really explore the space and determine whether or not it is right for them. In other words - get more qualified leads! In different other time! Your time, your seller's and your buyer's!

Any Questions? Ready to book your next tour? 

We are ready! Let us know how we can help you modernize your listing's marketing!

Book Now!

Written by

Darryl Griffioen


Next Does your listing 'Spark Joy'?